Nov 23, 2001

Wow, The Dude is really full of himself!

Nov 20, 2001

Sup? I'm just randomly posting to this blog, so, yeah. Hey!

Nov 15, 2001

I am so happy right now I just checked the LHS website and I have an A in chemistry. That means that am getting all A's. Well I did get a B in spanish but it's all good. I was able to laaaazy. I did have a 98% but than i relaxed a little and got it bumped down to a 88%. I don't care though I can still get an A for the semester. You know what that means? This will be my first year in high school with straight A's. YEEEEEEEEHHHHHHAAAAAAA!!!!!.

Nov 11, 2001

It took me sooo long but i finally beat the demo for stronghold. I insist on only playing the extra hard mode.
I must say that i am loving life right now, everything is splendiferous! Swim team is great, my classes are easy, I enjoy all the clubs that i joined. I love every minute that i live.

Nov 10, 2001

Hey, I got an A in computer science!!!!
Wow. I just returned from seeing THE FORIEGNER so i get to do my first theater review... It was a wonderfully hallarious play which I enjoyed greatly. Who ever is reading this, that would be YOU, I strongly advise that you go and see it tommorow because it is you last chance.

Oct 24, 2001

hey Mr. Mcoartland i have finished the excel stuff

Oct 14, 2001

i just put my first picture on my site!... yes!...harrah! It is that cool one on the left about MIcheal Jackson.
ohh no
why can't i make the right table to be wider?!??!?!?!?!?! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH i am so mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel like just starting all over. but, that is exactly what THEY want me to do. By the way it is 3:40 am so i may not know what it is that i am talking about. Harrah!!! I think i may be going crazy...slowly there it goes right NOW i am officially crazy.
I just came back from outdoor school so my site is a little out of date. I have been having fun for the past week;chill'n aith sixth-graders in the pouring rain while singing camp-songs till we lost our voices. Ohh, i can't forget the six meals a day that I ate; mmmhhh, so tasty, I absolutly LOVED our cook his name is BRILLO. I have not had that much fun in one week since my friends and I went to Costa Rica juntos. I met a lot of great, fun, song-filled student leaders and I hope I don't forget about them before I go back to outdoor school in the spring.

Oct 6, 2001

guess what cousin matthew is getting married to the girl that he brought to the wedding

Oct 5, 2001

Regardless of what those stupid big componies do, freedom-loving developers and writers (aka us youth who love free stuff) must work together to ensure that the world wide web remains open and uncontrolled by big companies. it was a wonderful gift to us from technology so we could express ourselves freely with anonymity and uncontroled. it is the ultimate forum for discussion with the ability to show grafics at the same time. It should be free for all.check out this site

Sep 26, 2001

check out all the free music you could ever want at i love this site!

Sep 25, 2001

buenos dias, today i make my first real posting. this weekend i went to outdoorschool training it was some good old fashion fun. but, i was sick the entire time and my woderful girlfriend claire was unable to go there with me*teardrop*