Nov 24, 2006

Old... But, I've been meaning to post it for a while.


Isalammu alaykum

Wa alaykum salaam

Yo where you from god?

when I be dropp'n the bomb

And I pay for em everyday with my good shirt on

Social security stealing my money

and they say it's for good

selling rap to the babies growing up in the hood

injecting em with Christianity

as you say they'll be free

but none of that shit got any.. humanity

Sep 5, 2006

So, umph... what a good time to be a tamu. I did nothing but relax the first half of the summer and now i'm working full time so i'm rolling in the dough(classes be damned). Then, to top it off i'm actually in love, which shouldn't be all that strange, but i really haven't so much as looked at a female for the past few years while i pathetically got over my first love affair. oh how women scare me.. they have way too much power. I am ever so glad they're too busy with self-esteem issues to realize that they could control the universe if they ever decided to. during the first half of the summer I just hung around while watching movies(Sun-Tzu's The Art of War was my favorite), going through complete television series in single sittings(veronice mars, the animated x-men, boston legal, etc.) and while not inside on my bed/in my chair I played tennis. I was generally playing tennis twice a day. What a great sport, I really love it because its this huge personal battle between control and power. You can hit it as fast as you want... but than you'll have no aim. Or you could hit it exactly where you want, but, then it will be slow and easily returnable. I got pretty good at it. and when i played constantly it was generally once by myself in the morning, then again with one or a few of my fellow RAs in the afternoon. that's when i go t to know my lady-friend. we played tennis quite a bit, then hung out, started hitting it off. but to throw a (little, tiny, insignificant) wrench into our love machine... she kinda had a boyfriend when i met her. but, it's not like i'm a horrible person. I didn't know. we started off all Innocent because we work together and playing tennis is a public affair. Anywaz, I'm finally in love. That being said, life is sweet. In the past few weeks I've jumped out of a plane, trekked through the 15th century, read a good book and filled a residence hall with impressionable minds. Plus, I've started my first co-op, here at the Irish Immigration Center. And I kid you not about those activities... Tamu's keep busy this time of year. First, jumping out of the plane. This was something I've wanted to do for a while but hadn't due to cost and the annoyance of planning the logistics with friends. Luckily, my friend Zac called me last week and asked what i'd be doing on Wed the 30th... I said 'going to work' he countered with 'why not go skydiving?' I replied 'sounds good, I didn't need a job any ways' Fortunately, my boss gave me the day off and I didn't have to quit my job in order to fulfill my dream. And it was awesome! I got a dvd and everything. Let's just condense the adventure into the phrase "You've never known real fear, until your rushing blind through a cloud, at 120 mph, and realize... you don't have a parachute on your back." hmmm.... lot's o' fun. and to be fair, although i didn't personally have a parachute the guy who was strapped to my back did... so it's not as if i was about to die it was more the anxiety of being so far removed from control... plus the sensory deprivation involved in being in the center of a grey cloud... plus really getting to understand gravity for the first time... awesome, truly awesome.. Second, I went the a renaissance fair down near the cape. It was my friends 21st birthday and what better way to celebrate then watch knights stab each other, while the warlocks around you debate the unique merits of their staffs. There isn't a lot to say about the festival, just that it was a lot better than any of the other fairs i've been to... there was just so much going on. Anywhere you sat, there were at least two stages with performances going. Also, 1 out of 5 people were dressed in costume so the atmosphere was really alive and all the little kiddies were stabbing each other with wood swords by the end of the day. Oh and one more thing... i've never been around a crowd of more sexual people... i got the feeling that every night after the fairgrounds closed and the attendants left, the entire staff would gather 'round for an orgy of epic proportions... just imagine a scene of debauchery where pirates and fairies frolic together. What was the third one? In the past month or so i've really gotten into comic books. Normally i read nothing but, non-fiction, but i guess i just got bored. Anyways, last week I bought one called Lucifer(a 200 page jaunt through the worlds of demons and angles). And it was sooooooo good. Great story - great artwork - lots of twist - a philosophical debate where Yahweh contemplates whether or not to destroy all of creation - it had it all. I highly recommend the series. You'd probably like it a lot. Very deep, very gory. Oh and the whole impressionable-minds-thing, isn't all that fun.. really just my way of saying school is back in session and i had all my freshman move-in to the building. Saddly, having freshman move in means RAs had to go through two weeks of mind numbing training. Every. Single. Day. I wanted to kill myself(well not me, persay, because i rock. but, i wanted to kill someone to get the soul crushing weights off my chest). Anywho, i survived through all that to tell the tale. Plus, the freshman have been fun. Last night I got to stick my finger up someone's nose. I frosh came down to our RA office and said she was having trouble switching her nose rings. I made a quick retort about her level of comfort when it comes to strangers sticking foreign objects in her nostrils... a few jokes, some story-telling and ice-cream pints later, the surgery was successful and we all went home. well, that's all for now. hope your classes are treating you well. and yes, while i do take a long time to write emails... i try to make them worth the wait. peace out, tamu

Jun 16, 2006

I never could play the guitar...

never said i plaaay the piano
that is one thing i do not know

i never could wail on a drum set
if i could i would have my dreams met

never said i plaay the guita-a-ar
cause if i could i would be a star

all i have is this little voice on me
if you listen closely then you'll see

i have this mu-usic in me-e-ee
i cannot rest till i set it fre-eeee

fre-eeee freeeee fre-eeee-e-e-ee-eeeeeee

ma, ma. ma, ma. ma, ma - make your own way.

hard rap is like a smooth wine.. ya gotta sip it
these words are just a fondu... ya gotta dip it
if you ever try to over do.. ya soon regret it
it'll fall all onto to you... your gonna get it

now normally i'm a mellow guy.. and I admit it
but on this little track of mine... i'm gonna spit it
i gots a lot of things to say.. so here they come
i gots a lot of things to explain... and you is dumb

so let's start it off from the top.. yeah i'm a hippy
but, i'm as angry as fuck, man... ya get me?
they say the world's fallen apart.. but that's shit
all that craps been hittin the fan... for a bit

goes back to the dawn of time.. now that's legit
nothing's ever gonna change... and that is it
but brothers who stand for nothing.. fall for it all
so i'ma stand up today... in front of ya'll

ya'll ignant nigaz piss me off.. i've had enough
"but life is so hard for blacks"... yeah (beat drop) life is tuff
but, stop blaming other people... ya hardly know
you can never reep a harvest that... you did not sow

suck it up and try to understand.. that ya'lls is pussies
what, you afraid of failure?... man, ya'll is wussies
it is not that hard to be a man.. your just for show
when your knockin everybody else... you'll never grow
stop actin all hard wit that gansta swagger
stop being such a fucking fool, wit all that lagger
come on bro, lighten up.. life is good
fuck the proprietary order... of the hood

ma, ma. ma, ma. ma, ma.
make you own way

Jun 12, 2006

I admit it... I'm weird

Why would i want to be normal?
bathe in the stentch of mediocracy
become another pawn in this
money talks, oligarchical theocracy
i perfer to think

-tamu schwoeffermann

Jun 9, 2006

Grey Matter

Growing up, in elementary school, I was always the the token black boy. There were always four classes in my grade... two english, two spanish. There were plenty of whites and latinos. A few negro girls. But, I'm pretty sure I was the the only negro face running around n the playground from my entire grade. Julian Aaron maybe, but, i'm not sure(sorry Julian if i'm just stupid). But, that's besides the point. What's important is that I was always the black kid in elementary school. But, that was only in elementary school. Once we moved on to 6th grade, there were whole new swaths of black guys running around offereing new definitions of what it meant to be black. I didn't care then, though. I never hung out with any of them and plus there were few enough of us that we never really tredded on each other's turf. Plus, West Sylvan Middle School was a closed circuit. The outside world had little baring on this playground for the city's priveliged youth. The only thing that started sneaking in to our closed off community was the radio. Kids would eagerly wait for their chance to hear the latest Nelly cuts or debate the merits of 2pac's changes v. Puffy's Mo' Money, Mo' Problems. A few people wondered why I didn't know more about the Refugees... but, I'd just remind them that I never listened to the radio(unless I was on the school bus) and they'd leave me alone.

Then came high school. This is when the school district opened enrolment to the rest of the city. We had blacks flooding in from all kinds of neighborhoods... coming from all over the place. All competing with the black definitions that i'd grown comfortable with. But, don't fool yourself. The school was probably still 90-95% white. What's important is that i went from being "the only black guy they knew" to being "the whitest black kid they knew."

I didn't know what to make of this at first. It made me uncomfortable. I didn't know what it meant to be black. I still scoff at the idea that the color of my skin or the lives of my ancestors should somehow dictate the manner in which I carry myself or the music I listen to. But, i didn't want to get into all that. Instead, i just joked it off by stealling all the best characteristics of my negro brethren. "of course i can jump... i'm black." "don't worry about it, you'll never be able to dance like this... your too white" "yes the lady's love tall, dark and handsome."

But, now i don't know. Its true, i'm not all black like the other boys, mommy. Don't you remember I'm half white too. That seems to be something my siblings ignore. They fall behind the rationale that the rest of society can't see their white half, so they're forced to ignore it. But, I don't know. I guess for the moment i'll take it as a complement that i'm 'the whitest black guy.' Culture and stereotypes be damned, i'm being true to my biology.

Still, this has got to be the stupidest subject, people going on about ethnicity. Seriously people, bring up something that matters or at least thats real... Tamu Schwoeffermann.

Jun 3, 2006

Being an Orientaion Leader... 2005

tonight, let us begin by picking up where i last left off... oh so long ago.

i guess the last time i made any substantive post that had any-thing to do with my life was when i made the ‘my dorm blue up’ post. that was the end of my freshman year. so, where have i been since there?

well, during the summer i became an Orientation Leader(or OL) - i still don’t know why i always capitalize that, suppose i just have a tone of respect for the position. the way it was set up by the woman who organized it(beth rosenbleth... something to that effect), the job was meant to be more of an experience than a professional position. we would do a lot of work and we had long hours, at first. but in our free time we were strongly encouraged to have fun. by the end of the summer when we were ahead of schedule(on everything), we had nothing left to do but play games and get half the day off. it was not an unlikely scenario for us to stuff packets in the morning, then play dodge-ball in the afternoon. yes, we did get paid to play dodge-ball. we also got paid to have dance parties nearly every ten days. so, what was it that i did during to earn our wage? first i feel i should describe our compensation: we received some $3,000 for the summer, had a place to live, and were given a meal plan in the cafeteria. On the note of place to live, we lived in two places.

first, we were in stetson east... although we were there for only three weeks, our time in east is generally refered to as the first half of the summer. during those three weeks we had to do prep work for the summer, like make the “Husky Doo” movie. this was a spoof on scooby doo, that helped introduce students to life on the northeastern campus and in college in general. it was surprisingly informative, corny and funny. even though i got pretty sick of it by the 10th time i saw and haven’t watched it for nine months... i’m pretty sure i’d be laughing out loud if i popped in the dvd right now. we also did our training during the ‘first half’ of the summer. this was the time when northeastern university(NU) rolled out everyone who’s anyone so they could pander their messages to us... that way we’d be able to pander them off to the freshman. most of the staff complained about the incredibly dry meetings, yet i feel quite fortunate to have met all those people and so much about the university. there was a point when i knew everything there was to know about NU(except how to get into our anti-gravity room, a quest that still eludes me). that time has past. we all know how tamu and fact based memory recollection do not coincide. i do think that the information is in my mind, most of the time when people ask me questions about the school, i can answer them without really thinking... but no one really asks any more(just the same few questions: why NU? how many students? and are you really in boston or one of its suburbs?). so back to OL duties. that was the first half. the second half, which lasted the remaining two and a half months, was dedicated to two things materials prep and holding orientation sessions. materials prep was good because i was in charge of running it (i do love to be the decision maker). we had to organize documents, folders, lanyards, etc and store them/stuff them into 6,000 or so folders for freshman/parents/transfer students. we listened to music every day while stuffing. there something sacred about menial, repetitive labor... its calming. i get into the rhythm then just try to go faster and faster with it. and speed was not a problem. we got so fast at it, that we eventually had to just sit around while the other committees tried to catch up with our lightning speed. there were a bunch of random committees and groups through out the summer organized to tackle various tasks. normal, you may be thinking... but the reason why i bring this to your attention is because i ended up being on Kene’s groups every single time. kene was a supervisor who had been an OL the year before. i don’t really have a complaint regarding this... i really just found it quite odd.

Kene’s a good guy, i didn’t like him at the beginning of the summer. but, i warmed up on him. not to say i understand why the eric/alison/trish/stella group started hanging out with him at the end... but, i didn’t really look down on them for it. my other supervisors were greg chick(god boy who doesn’t understand the concept of empathy - i liked him at first until i realized just how clue-less and closed minded he actually was), nicky(absent girl who was completely indifferent to the whole orientation experience - annoyed me like non other until i accepted that she would never even try to care and grew to love the cinical whit and sarcasm that sprouted from it), and nicole(the californian ballerina - i love this woman, she’s just good stuff... a lot of the guys really had the hots for her, to me she was just another west coaster that i felt close to).

speaking of nicole A) she was the first supervisor that i’ve ever actually felt close to. normally i just hide and talk to them as little as possible. Beth for example, was a ghost to me. when she left people cried.... how’d i feel? i was just thinking ‘wait, was her last name was rosenbleet?’ B) Nicole was my direct supervisor, which meant we had to do 1 on 1’s and talk about life. also, at the end of the summer she was the one who gave me my review(on a scale of 1 to 5). at the beginning of the summer, she had told me that she would pretty much never give 5’s and 4 were considered excellent. so, imagine my confusion when we were both comparing our interpretations of my performance. i had given myself lots of three’s and fours. she had given me pretty much only 5’s. it was sweet. she was flabbergasted as to how i could ever have such a low self esteem. i asked her about her ‘five’s are rare policy’ and she said it was still in play, but, i was the exception. i was the OL she gave highest rating. damn straight... best performance on staff. you little bitches... betta’ recognize.

the final part of work was running orientations. were basically would herd people around by the dozen. the sessions generally had around 450 people and they were divided among us 30 OLs. tons of fun. if you had parents, they were quite simply looking for reasons to fall in love with you... so i just had to show them it was possible for a NU student to be everything they wished their children to become(easy job). if you were on students you simply had to get them to trust you and be witty about it... hoping that they would be able to last through the incredible boring and intimidating morning while they grew comfortable with their group. then at night you’d get down to the fun of things. i was the dance machine... i danced my ass off. and the parties could rarely get started if i wasn’t around. you know what i learned from that gig? it is a ton of work to get people to do what they know in their hearts they want to. people are to sheepish to do what makes them happy. no one ever wanted to be the first ones out on the dance floor. or, heaven forbid, be one of the few people out there dancing.... the odd thing is every single person in the room knew they were there to dance, but the damn pussies were too afraid to muster the moxy to actually do it. i would have lost all faith in humanity had Chris not been there when i was about to give up. he was my rock out on the dance floor... although you’ll never read this: thanks chris.. you rock. you saved my life... you saved my summer. as a testament to my dancecology, Jackie(operator of AfterHours, the place where we held the dances) still talks about me and my dancing. she actually offered me a job to just come to her venue and dance/get the parties started. that would have been a fun job, but i don’t think i would have been up for it physically. being a dance machine is exhausting. following any night where i had to start the dances by myself, i was a zombie. nearly useless at orientation sessions on the second day. oh well, the second days are usually not all that important. also, my orientees usually would ask me to give them dance lessons when they came back to school in the fall. of course i never gave anyone lessons, but i did make a lot of promises.

then there was the other half of being an OL: down time with friends. this is how it works: if your an OL, your probably finishing you freshman year. which means you don’t have that many friends... at least no one your really all that close to. plus no one really stays at NU after their freshman year. they go home because their all home-sick and such, plus, no one really needs to take classes during every summer session. furthermore, when your an OL, you live with all your coworkers. this all adds up to OLs living in a world thats filled with OL-ness. you live together, work together, eat together in the deserted cafeteria, and we became each other’s near only social lives. anyway you look at it that’s a whole lot of face to face time, in a university that can be extremely isolating. freshman year is the only time when the students are incorporated in the university community. after that, they are expected to build their own communities. what i’m trying to say is: we bonded that summer.

the most common waste of time was definitely sitting around the lobby waiting for people to walk past. i did a lot of talking with people who just happened to be there, like the proctors.... there was this one cute indian proctor that i did a lot of flirting with... a lot of flirting. she always made me happy to see her, then she’d tell me how much she liked that i was always happy. then there was all the gossip. it drove lots of people apart. there kinda ended up being two rival gangs(Joe/Madeline/Kim/Alex vs. Eric/Trish/Estella/Alison), then there were all the floaters in between.

Another thing to do in the lobby was play axis and allies(a board game like risk where each playing wages war in a quest for world domination. It was typical to hear me screaming phrases like “russian winter!” “Ukraine IS NOT weak!” or “german BLITZ-KRIGE!!”. well you could only hear those screams if they were louder than the incessant insults we slung back and forth. Matt and I were the main players... other people were Jay, Renee, Bobby, Chris, Nick, etc. Don’t think we just sat inside all day... exploring boston was a large part of the reason why i wanted the job.

Alison was the best for exploring. no one is better to talk with than my lovely alison. she... she... i don’t even know how to explain why she was simply a very warm conversationalist. plus i felt as if i was always on a conquest with her. I was trying to live up to her standards, which are unusually high. only one person has ever lived up to what she expects for humanity... but that guys dead. so she suspects he was given a boost out of grievance and respect for his memory. either way he must have been a great guy.

the person i was closest with was amanda/manda/’manda/amanther. these are all various renditions of the manda experience. she was undoubtedly the other half of my “two person clique.” we went down to philly together to attend the Live Aid concert(the largest human gathering in the history of the world). it was a concert to raise awareness of poverty and desperation in africa(go do something now people... then come back and finish reading this post). it took place in 9 cities around the globe simultaneously. it had tons of big acts(thanks manda for inviting me): JayZ, Linkin Park, Destiny’s Child, Jars of Clay, Fresh Prince, Stevie Wonder etc... it was awesome! and were pretty sure we had the best seats in the house(we got there 6 hours early... nothing like waking up at 3am for a concert that starts at 12pm). she lives in philly, so she showed me around a bit. it a nice place. corrugate of neighborhoods. and i had a philly cheese-stake. yum. i apologize, this clearly is not enough time to spend on amanda... but we must move forward.

on a similar note, just thought i’d throw this out there. at the beginning of the summer i had a crush on samantha. at the end of the summer, i had a crush on amanda. the funny thing is: i told each one that i had a crush on the other. I was manda’s closest OL friend, thus felt safe confiding in her about my crush on samantha. i was also sam’s closest OL friend, so she was the obvious choice for where to release my crush on amanda. the sad thing is: sam’s had a boyfriend for as long as i’ve known her(his name is matteo and i’m generally a fan) so i wouldn’t dare even attempt to hurt their relationship. plus, their rather in love. they may fight and had some pretty rough patches that summer, but they’re very close, so i don’t think i’d be successful anywho. plus, i felt bad having a crush on this dude’s girlfriend. having a crush on manda was a bit better,but, even more hopeless. i had never met her significant other, so there was absolutely no guilt... but that didn’t mean i’d ever get any progress out of the thing. you see, she was engaged to some guy from back home. oww, burn on me. especially since all my crushes last months and the summer encompassed two crushes... the tail end of my spring/summer crush and the bulk of my summer/fall crush. one... added cruel irony is that i think matteo knows i have/had a crush on his girlfriend. and sometimes i think she knows also. they’re both rather jealous and dedicated folk. so once the jealousy ended(long ago?), they toying began. oh well, its not as if i like her anymore... so what-eva.

we can’t forget a discussion of friends, without bringing up the two lovely OL’s shaily and rachel. i can’t really think of what to say about them(i’ve been writing for much to long now). I can say shaily was/is my other half... but in a completely different way than. it can’t really be explained be we work magically off of each other. in a phrase: “Together we make Shamu.” also it was wierd that as the summer went on she became best friends with my best non-OL friend, sobaika. next, rachel and her wonderfulness. she’s actually going to be staying with me the next few days. she’s been in china for three weeks. i guess i got along with her so well because of my left leaning, hippy loving, west coast-ness. and true, by ‘left leaning’ i mean to say sprinting past the western goal line. we are both very similar on all our political views(and both poly-sci majors at that). so we get along great. she was also one of the two people i knew before OL-hood(the other was sam). we had had classes, clubs, etc. together through out the year.

as has become the norm, most of my OL friends were female. i also hung out with Jay(chill angry kid.. lots of fun). Revered Nick(the coolest guy... that i’ll never hang out with). Loved Alex(we were so in sync at the retreat... then he let his social self shine). And Craig(well, lets just say we had man crushes on each other... while we never hung out - to much time with the girlfriend - at the end of the summer he put my shirt up on his wall... funny kid)

as a closing note on the summer of 2005, i shall make a tribute to Danny. Danny, you rock my socks. Thanks for your girlish, ridiculous, giddy insanity. thanks for all the danny-isms that have infected my vocabulary: little chickens(that’s cute), they love eachother(in cute constipated voice), i feel(why think?). and finally, since your always doubting your femininity, just wanted to let you know your beautiful.. stop worrying about it. you were easily one of the best looking/most female/lady-like chicks around. fair the well my friend, i miss you.

i miss you all actually.... tamu schwoeffermann.

Jun 2, 2006

It's been a long time... since i left you

(without a dope beat to step to)
step to.. 1,2, mic check you.
toy with you back and forth...
make ya think i'll select you
that's one thing that i just won't do
boy like me's a loner through and through
only reason to mess with the likes of you
is to fulfill the skills i can't do
but they don't exist... so boo, bu'

hello to all my readers
(yes, i'm speaking to you my imaginary audience)

i have returned. a return which oddly enough was requested by every single one of you.. to popular of a notion for me to turn down. so, i give the people what they want.

so here are some sticky notes that i've been meaning to throw away:

Show Me

come on show me that you love me
just show me some affection

show me some affection
that we have a connection
tell me that were more than just good friends
show me that you love me
when you kiss and hug me
bathe me in the warmth that it lends
come on show me that you love me
just show me that affection

Show me that you love me
there's no one else above me
show me all the reasons why i'm here
I'll tell you that right from the beginning
you rocked my world and left it spinning
since that hello you've had my ear
girl you could be my everything
you're already my indian queen
but i can never ge-e-et you near
there are these walls betweeen us
can only get past with trust
but, all this baggage makes us fear
i'm trying to reach out to you
i'm building these doors to you
just take the first step soon you'll be here


Is the TV too loud for your sensitive ears?
-said mockingly by Pete Mayo
(my hard of hearing roommate)

I saw an gothic girl at the anime convention
she was walking down the hall
with her sister on a chain
the girl couldn't be over 15
the sister, must have been 10

girl on a leash

dress your family in corderois and jeans

Apr 27, 2006

Earth Day

So, earthday as on saturday.

I thought i'd check out how i'm doing on my hippiness.

I produce about 15,148 pounds of CO2 each year. That's 148 off from the 'Deep Green' category(that i should be in). According to's calculator I should donate $60 to some green funds to absolve me of my sins. had a different calculator. Their's measures how many acres of land I use. So, i just did it again.... I guess I use 10 acres of land to sustain myself. (3 for goods/services, 3 for shelter, 2.5 on food, and 1.5 on mobility). The average american uses 24 acres. Also, there are 4.5 biologically productive acres per person globaly.

i guess i'm doing decently. nothing to get excited about. apartment dweling, vegetarianism, and walking are my three strongpoints. flying across country is killing me(or rather the planet)... but, i do love home.

Apr 11, 2006

Here was a list of movies i wanted to see

movies to see

a history of violence
wallace and gromit
darwin's nightmare
enron:the smartest guys in the room

don't tell
joyeux noel
sophie scholl - the final days

(i should have all of them off the list by next week)
(except for 'don't tell,' it's foreign)
(i don't know what language i need to translate the title into)

Here's a song i've been working on

Lyrics(think Jurassic 5 style):

does anybody really know how it feels
to dedicate their whole life to this political wheel?
cuz' I'm a cog in a wheel
'cause I've been caught in a wheel
and I will never, ever, ever, know what it is to feel
I swore to keep it real
but, i got caught with a deal
forced to kneel
my soul they steal
i've become nothin more than a cancerous beal
i see society's skin as it be turnin' to teal
I know i've done wrong but, will this shit ever heal?
or will we up and keel.
please god afford us just one final meal
give me little more time to peal away the cancer,
grow a healthy seal
anything to see a revival of my people's zeal
i know those fantasies of good has got to be real

I try to move the world with a verse
'cause i could never be a man if i made deals with a hearst
because as the guns bursts
there's a soul the trigger cursed
there's no other way my life could ever be worse
but, everyone and they sister is in a race
... to see who sells out first

So, i just decided to create a new series of posts

its about time.

I guess this is starting because I'm just so shocked. I've been using sticky notes to write down thoughts lately(digital and actual). But, i don't want my desktop(digital and actual) cluttered with notes. It just doesn't look clean. So, here's the most recent note that's sitting on my cuputer(I'm putting this online so i can delete it from my comp):

"I'm shocked

Chatting about the boston marathon, Rachel asked me accusitively: "Can you run a mile?"

I mean to say, I know she's an idiot and all... but, a mile? at least give me a tiny bit of credit. ask about me finishing five miles. then again she's fat and fat people can't run(generally speaking). i guess i can understand the confusion.

she says she doesn't take me for the atheletic type. perhaps she's spends too much time around meatheads and can't seperate the rest of us from those who devote their lives to the cultivation of their own physique."