Apr 11, 2006

So, i just decided to create a new series of posts

its about time.

I guess this is starting because I'm just so shocked. I've been using sticky notes to write down thoughts lately(digital and actual). But, i don't want my desktop(digital and actual) cluttered with notes. It just doesn't look clean. So, here's the most recent note that's sitting on my cuputer(I'm putting this online so i can delete it from my comp):

"I'm shocked

Chatting about the boston marathon, Rachel asked me accusitively: "Can you run a mile?"

I mean to say, I know she's an idiot and all... but, a mile? at least give me a tiny bit of credit. ask about me finishing five miles. then again she's fat and fat people can't run(generally speaking). i guess i can understand the confusion.

she says she doesn't take me for the atheletic type. perhaps she's spends too much time around meatheads and can't seperate the rest of us from those who devote their lives to the cultivation of their own physique."

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