Jan 10, 2008

The Annals of My Trip

On the 7th I nearly stayed up all night. Vicky and I watched Avatar, a show that her sister recommended, we squeezed each other tightly and had a very sweet final night. We didn't do the things that we were planning to, but no regrets on my side. I was just glad to be with her and happy. Around 2 a.m. we decided to fall asleep. But not for long, I was awake by 4:45. I hadn't packed yet so I got to work while Vicky continued to sleep. Eventually, I was packed and Vicky was up and ready to go.

It was 5:34, a little after we had wanted to leave we took a taxi, got there a little late. In the rush, they put the wrong tag on my bag and my stuff got sent to Pheonix. And on the connecting flight, someone experienced some medical problems.. paramedics came and all was fine, we just got delayed for an hour or so.

Upon arrival, my mom picked me up and we had had spaghetti. Its been really mellow. I haven't done much of anything and I really need to get myself away from the internet. I'm here at my dad's now and I guess I'll go to Powell's Books Store.

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