Here's a blow-by of the trip. I arrived on Saturday and saw Ty for the first time in way too long. After dropping stuff off, we went to a show of the K.R.U.M.P Kings. They are a Christian Hip-Hop dance troupe. K.R.U.M.P stands for Kindom Righteously Uplifting Mighty Praise. They were pretty good. A little unorganized, but it was nice to see people using hip-hop for something cunstructive. All too often its bling, parties and ho's.
Sunday, we dropped by Cimone's place to cook her breakfast. After that we went to Church... a place called Jubilee. We were a little late since we were told they sarted at the wrong time, but the preacher was cool and I enjoyed the sermone. He mainly spoke on the need to read the book and in general apply the Word to our lives. All around nice.
Perhaps Monday was the day of our great hike. I can't remember because I'm writing this post soooo late. But if this is the right day.... Ty and I went on a powerhike up to the top of this peak with a great view. We could see for 20 miles. It felt so good to just sit up there and enjoy the beauty. We nearly sprint-walked the hike. There was a couple that we passed twice(once on the way up then again on the way down). We were fast.
We played a lot of Wii aswell. Golf with Jimmy. I showed Ty how to box.
Then we went to school and I shadowed Ty. Went to his Black Student Union meetings, his classes and his basketball game.
Next I hung out with friends from high shcool. Andrew, Rebecca and I went bowling(she's obsessed with it as of late). The next day Ben, Sean and I ate lunch and played pool, then merged with Jimmy, Andrew and Brian for some dinner and Rock Band. I rocked the mic and Bass. The other stuff(especially the drums) were just too hard. For those of you who don't know, Rock band is a video game where you get together with friends and form a band(with actually video-gamey instruments).
The week wound down with a few more rounds of Wii at Ty's place and then I got to meet Ben's girlfriend. I've been looking forward to that for a couple of years.
Then I went home(barely catching the bus) to Portland.
It was a great time, and I'm glad I got to see everyone.
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