Nov 23, 2001

Nov 20, 2001

Sup? I'm just randomly posting to this blog, so, yeah. Hey!

Nov 15, 2001

I am so happy right now I just checked the LHS website and I have an A in chemistry. That means that am getting all A's. Well I did get a B in spanish but it's all good. I was able to laaaazy. I did have a 98% but than i relaxed a little and got it bumped down to a 88%. I don't care though I can still get an A for the semester. You know what that means? This will be my first year in high school with straight A's. YEEEEEEEEHHHHHHAAAAAAA!!!!!.

Nov 11, 2001

It took me sooo long but i finally beat the demo for stronghold. I insist on only playing the extra hard mode.
I must say that i am loving life right now, everything is splendiferous! Swim team is great, my classes are easy, I enjoy all the clubs that i joined. I love every minute that i live.

Nov 10, 2001

Hey, I got an A in computer science!!!!
Wow. I just returned from seeing THE FORIEGNER so i get to do my first theater review... It was a wonderfully hallarious play which I enjoyed greatly. Who ever is reading this, that would be YOU, I strongly advise that you go and see it tommorow because it is you last chance.