Apr 26, 2002

so lately I made a movie or two. and then I moved to a new computer and installed flash there. by the way I am going to outdoor school nextweek so I won't be here.

Apr 14, 2002

hey, this is Eric, and in my great quest to avoid doing homework forever, I have screwed around with this site. I havent really done anything, but I wasted a lot of time, so BOOYAH!

Apr 10, 2002

We can now make as many ninjas as we want in less time than ever. And in all different types of positions/expressions.
Now we are making a ton of body parts and saving them as symbols.
We made a movie named NUBBY McNUB. It is very simple but that is just because it's our first.
Sean decided to follow me... and now we are doing it together.
I decided to make a game. right now All I know that I want is: I want to have ninjas and lasers.
I got bored of liberty basic and atarted a flash project.

Apr 1, 2002

Here's fools for you. I knew because i'm smart http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=573&u=/nm/20020401/od_nm/bite_dc_2 He would not throw himself in jIL http://www.google.com/technology/pigeonrank.html google said so http://www.2meta.com/april-fools/1994/Microsoft-buys-Vatican.html IT SAID SO