Dec 30, 2002

So, here it is: THE UPDATE
I don't know where to begin... ahh how about where I left off last we go. So it looks as if I just got back from ODS. The latest news on that is horrible. Our state is in a horrible spending crisis. We spend like the most per student than most other places, but for some reason it just does'nt work. I smell a education revolution. We need more money, smarter spending, and a different educating process. Ham-dog has asked me my thoughts on how to make our sytem better and when I get back to him I am hoping to have a ton of great ideas and beetter yet, a pesuasive manner. yes, I do suck at expressing my ideas. But, I am getting better. I never really wanted to share my thoughts, but, now I kinda have too. I am a "leader" after all. Leading by example is not enough, the people will not lead if they march forward blindly, the path ahead must be explained first. I am thinking we should do a "teach-in" because a walk out is incredably hypocritical. We should instead protest by refusing to leave. Hey I've always loved living at school. We could get the teachers to join in Mr. Halpern already said he would do it and I think it would send an extremely powerfull message. Also on the chopping blocks due to the dropping economy is spring sports. DAMN IT!!! Damn it. Damn it, that really sucks. I love track because it is my best sport. This year my relay team could break the state record! That's huge. We've got Micheal, Me, Adam, and hopefully B.K. Yeah, I decided not to do swimming this year. For various reasons, I had the choice between working on math or not doing swim team. Of course I chose to not do the math. Yes, math is fun; yes, i hate my teeacher's teaching method; yes, it is my easiest subject; yes, it very applicable to the real world if your going to be an engineer(which Mrs. Evenhuse mentions everyday); yes, it does also teach me to increase my logic skills(according to Anyways back to the point
No, I don't like watching the teacher just yell at everyone, I am actually starting to feel sorry for her (already); she is losing control of the class, which is inevitable when there is a violent ruler. No, I do not want to be an engineer, designing stuff is fun but the nitty gritty calculations that make your ideas work in reality just seem... to consuming(if I did that, it would become my life and I think I would honestly miss experiencing the world). I would rather just pay someone to do all that work for me while I go out and design more stuff. Logic? Well I love logic, but people already think that I am too logical. I can only think of an example with Yoyo saying this but I now there have been many other times like during group projects for social studies classes. I am afraid to lose my compassion for people and replace it with a "more efficiant" solution. That would be a horrible way to start my political career(why am i already thinking about careers, i am too young, i don't even think about college 1/3 s much) especially since most politicians are corrupted already i hope I don't add to the problem. And finally, no, i guess I don't want to do full IB, that is if I must do math, maybe it would be fun if I just tought myself. Ohh, I got my mom to say that I could drop it if I get a B this semester. It is a little late but, nonetheless accepted full heartedly. Now all I have to do is a flawless job on the remaining tests and maybe I can get my entire grade to based on my final? Hmm that would be quite the gamble. But so worth it. I would be doing math everynight for hours. I also did not do swimming because well i actually got worse at swimming last year(very discoraging when it is the first time that happens to you), Rozie quit and she's been my swimming companion scince before I can remember making it seem almost unimportant to continue, I mean if someone else can quit why can't I? Plus it is my least favorite sport, I did want to be training for track. But, that was cut so it seems kinda useless,even though I know we will have it this year because of the accumulation of random donations. You know what I am kinda tired. It is 3:00 AM. But, as I leave, I would like to say that I finally read what I wrote in my last entry and I can finally see why Becca was so happy after she read it. I am sorry I could not remember what I wrote, keep in mind I always write these things way late night. But, that does not mean they are clouded by sleepiness. They are actually more true than the times when I am awake because when I am sleepy I don't worry about things much (oh no what if someone read this and found out what I really think!!!!), I just let the info flow. Only probalem is the sentences don't always make sense. I will write more after I sleep. But, for Becca... if you are reading this, I miss you and hope to see you soon. Love ya, adios.

Yes, the internet is now working again. Stupid DSL networks just randomy fail so I was unable to work on the site all morning, trying to figure out the problem. But, here I am. Hmmm, actually now that I have this victory I think I will go shower and get some food. I'll be right back.

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