Jan 14, 2008

Yesterday I went Snowshoeing

We went up to Mt. Hood. Our local favorite... actually its a world favorite. It is either the most climbed mountain in the world or the second most climbed mountain. Its competitor is Mt. Fuji of Japan. For those of you who don't know what snowshoeing, it looks something like this:
From Mt. Hood
It is basically hiking while wearing really big, flat shoes. Their supposed to be extra big so you don't sink into the snow. That being said, I still sank into the snow. Pat had rented the shoes for me, but, she thought I was 6 foot, 165 lbs, while I'm actually 6'2", 175 lbs(I've gained some weight... but, I've always been 6'2"). Luckily it hadn't snowed in a while so I wasn't walking on powder. Instead, it was all frozen ice. That is, at least on the way up. On the way down the ice started melt and the ground was giving way. But by then two things had happened. 1) I was a lot better at balancing/walking with the snow shoes. So I could go over the harder terrain without falling through as often. 2) We had arrived really early in the morning and beat the rush. When we first parked our car there were some 5 cars in the parking lot. When we returned the whole place was filled. Needless to say, there was that there was a lot of foot traffic during the second half of the hike. So, the snow was packed down to the point where the melt didn't matter much anymore.

Also, for those of you who don't know Mt. Hood, it looks like this:
From Mt. Hood
Isn't that a great photo? Well, it looked better while we were there. That's why I love hiking so much. Baby, we have to go hiking/camping/backpacking together. You'll love it. I promise. Its great to be out there, its so peaceful and quiet. You weren't a walker before and love it now. Well hiking is just the logical next step. Its just going on a walk... but outside of a city. Mwah!

And people, check out the gallery to see the rest of the pics. I'll just leave you with this final one of Jake after his long adventure. That dog was tired. As my dad says, he just doesn't move for three days after going up to Hood.
From Mt. Hood

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